Image of man from behind sitting on a rock look at the water wearing a black shirt, and light blue pants with his navy cap backwards pondering about sperm donation

Can I Become a Sperm Donor?

Curious about your eligibility for sperm donation in Australia? 

Men from diverse ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds, as well as varying heights and body shapes, can become sperm donors. 

If you meet the following requirements, you may be eligible to donate sperm.  

You should be:

  • between 18 and 46 years of age;
  • an Australian citizen or resident, or hold a visa that allows you to stay in Australia for the duration of the donation process;
  • in good health and;
  • able to provide your family medical history

You shouldn't have:

  • a history of hereditary disease or;
  • reached the total family limit as per relevant state requirements for sperm donation*.
*VIC – 10 women worldwide | NSW – 5 families | WA – 5 families worldwide | QLD – 10 families. 

Register your Interest to Become a Sperm Donor

The first step toward becoming a sperm donor is to register your interest by completing the form below. This form allows us to assess your eligibility against the initial criteria for registration  with Sperm Donors Australia. 

Upon submitting the form, we will review your information and you will be notified of your eligibility. If your application is successful, we will forward your registration to the clinic and contact you to schedule your initial appointment. 

    Personal Details

    Additional Information

    Are you adopted or donor conceived?
    If you are adopted or donor conceived, are you able to provide medical history for both biological parents?
    Have you donated, or intend to donate, at another clinic?
    If you have donated at another clinic, can you please provide us with the name(s) of the clinic where you donated?
    Do you have a current diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

    Body Mass Index

    Your weight (KGs)
    Your Height (CMs)

    Please tick each box to acknowledge that you understand and meet each of the following eligibility requirements for sperm donation.

    I have read and agree to the terms of SDA - City Fertility's Privacy Collection Statement and Privacy Policy

    Have questions?

    Your decision to donate sperm is one of the most generous things you could do and we are here to support you every step of the way. If you have any questions or require further information about sperm donation eligibility, our dedicated and friendly staff have the answers. Feel free to reach out, and we’ll be happy to provide you with the guidance you need to make an informed decision.