Becoming a Sperm Donor – Step-by-Step Guide

The steps to donating sperm



  1. Contact Sperm Donors Australia
    You can register your interest or request an initial appointment by emailing Alternatively, you can phone us on 1800 985 838 to either arrange an initial appointment or request further information.
  2. Registration 
    To become a sperm donor, you must complete our registration form. This form allows us to check that you meet the initial criteria to become a donor with Sperm Donors Australia.
  3. Lifestyle Consent Form
    You will be asked to fill in a Lifestyle Consent Form. This form includes information about your medical and family history and will be reviewed by the fertility specialist.
  4. Semen Assessment
    You will be asked to produce a semen sample. The scientist will analyse your sample and send the results to the City Fertility fertility specialist. You should ideally have two to five days of abstinence before producing your sample.
  5. Screening Tests
    You (and your partner) will be given a request form for your tests. These tests are required as part of the routine screening process necessary to donate sperm. You (and your partner) will need to get the tests completed so the results are available at your medical check-up. You are also required to provide urine samples throughout the donation process. Any results from your medical check-up and blood tests will be given to you by your fertility specialist or fertility coordinator. 
    The required tests are:

    • Donor: HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, Human T-lymphotropic Virus (HTLV) 1+2, cytomegalovirus (CMV), cystic fibrosis, karyotype, blood group, Fragile X syndrome (FXS), Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), thrombophilia and full blood count (FBC).
    • Urine testing: chlamydia and gonorrhoea.
    • Semen tests: M/C/S.
    • Donor partner: HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, HTLV 1+2 and CMV. 
  6. Medical Consultation with Fertility Specialist 
    To ensure that you are medically suitable to become a sperm donor, you will require a consultation with one of our fertility specialists. The specialist will review your test results and your medical and family history. Any results from your medical check-up and blood tests will be discussed with you, and there is no charge for this service.
  7. Counselling
    It is mandatory for men who are considering donating sperm to attend two sessions (with their partners) by a nominated City Fertility counsellor. The sessions are an opportunity to receive information and to have any questions answered concerning the social and legal issues surrounding sperm donation. The clinic will provide you with a counsellor’s contact details. This is a legal requirement and all counselling sessions will be paid for by the clinic.
  8. Donation 
    Once all of the steps above have been completed, you can start donating. Ideally, we would like a donor to provide up to five donations. The time frame can be flexible: once or twice a week. Semen donations must be produced at the clinic, to allow the scientists to confirm the identity of the donor and process the sample within the optimal time frame. The clinic has a private collection room on site where you can produce your sample. We have reading and DVD material available to assist you in producing your sample. Samples must be produced without using lubricants and must be collected in the sterile containers provided. A urine test is collected each time to test for chlamydia and gonorrhoea. On the date of the last donation, you are required to have a blood test again for CMV.
  9. Quarantine Period  
    The donated sperm is quarantined for three months from the date of the last donation. At the end of that period, donors are contacted to return for final screening tests to allow clearance of the sperm for use.
  10. Sperm is Released for Use – Sperm Allocation 
    The recipient will be given a profile of the potential donor, consisting of non-identifying details such as physical characteristics, interests, education and career. According to the NHMRC – Ethical guidelines on the use of Assisted Reproductive Technology in clinical practice and research (2007), the recipient is entitled to the following information about the donor: “Details of past medical history, family history and any genetic test results that are relevant to the future health of the person born (or any subsequent offspring of that person) and the recipient of the donation; details of the physical characteristics of the gamete donor; and the number and sex of persons conceived using the gametes donated by the same gamete donor.”


Our friendly staff are available to discuss any questions you may have about our donor program, so please feel free to contact us. We are here to help you.


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